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Herbal Treatment of Kidney Stones: A Review
Fiza Amjad, Saman Ishfaq, Qanta Afzal, Ayesha Nadeem, Muhammad Akram, Nimra Shahid, Muhammad Adnan, Syed Sadat Ali
DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.7703443

Kidney stones have been rising in prevalence both domestically and worldwide. The healthcare system provides a great variety of treatments. The advancement of treatment effectiveness through cost-effective research may benefit patients, healthcare providers, and the whole healthcare system. Therapeutic options include medication in which herbal or allopathic drugs are included along with surgical intervention. Since a decade, there has been a surge in the research on cost-effective therapeutic options, but we do find very few reviews regarding the same. Keeping this in view, a Medline search was done to review relevant articles in English literature on evaluation of different herbal therapies available using the MeSH terms herbal therapy, renal stones & preventive measures. Data were constructed; issues were reviewed to illustrate the effects of these on the outcome and correlate on the reduction in the burden of disease across different population.

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