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Detection of Heavy Metal Accumulationsin liver of Gallus gallus Within Polluted Areas
Rafal F. J. Aleiqabie, Shahad Q. Al-Hamadiny, Riyam G. K. Al-Sarray, Sarah akar
DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.8166627

Overexposure with heavy metals through ingestion, respiration or skin contact can cause metals to accumulate inside the body on tissue level or on organ level, these heavy metals can disrupt physiological processes, thus affecting overall organ functions for instance brain function, heart and circulatory system and liver function. With the continuation of oil extraction and manufacture of brick from brick factories in Was it province, the heavy metals amounts emitted to the environments are steadily increasing. Hence, can result in high levels of accumulation of these contaminants and intoxication of humans and animals living nearby, that pose a hazard to ecosystems, animals and human health. In this study we detected the concentrations of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn),iron (Fe) and cupper (Cu), in liver tissue of Gallus gallus specimens being collected from polluted sites. Results indicates that the highly polluted area can be considered unsuitable for living due to the hazardous effect resulted from high rate of accumulation of toxic heavy menials

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