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Artificial Intelligence In Machine Learning
Navneet Kumar Verma, Asheesh Kumar Singh, Abhishek Singh, Ashok Yadav, Uma Srivastava

One of the most fascinating developments in artificial intelligence in recent years is machine learning. Understanding algorithms for a variety of everyday applications. One of the reasons a learning algorithm one that is employed by Google or Microsoft works so effectively every time an online search engine like Google or Bing is used to search the internet is because it has learnt how to rank web sites. The SCOPUS database and Web of Science were used for the analysis. Moreover, N Vivo 12 and UCINET software were utilised to finish them. In order to show how the field has changed from 1999 to the present, a study of the literature on ML and AI empirical investigations produced in the past century was done. Eighty-two articles underwent classification and evaluation. The first noteworthy outcome is the higher volume of American-published publications and the growing interest following the introduction of Industry 4.0.

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